Well the retreat is over and I had a Wonderful time! I spun, knit, beaded, was fed by some really good cooks, entertained no end,and even invited back! I guess this means that I didn't make a complete arse of myself. I bought come Columbia wool from a friend, and made Plenty of new friends! Some of the ladies brought their older children (18 and up) one lady brought her chahuahua and newborn pups. We slept in bunks and were nestled in the woods. We all had sinus issues and stayed up till 1am at least 1 night. We saw an America Bald eagle, deer and red hawks. There were 3 people (including me) with mixed families. There were members from the Omaha and Fremont guild there. (dramatic intake of breath) AND... My house was not a disaster when I got home, no one was dead (though John was still sleep at 1030) and all I needed to do was unpack, tell stories, nap, and vacuum! My fingers and wrists are killing me. Even typing hurts. I only have 1 regret. That I didn't bring the camera. Several other people did, but I forgot completely. Fortunately I have finished product to show off.

I need to find a toe up knitting pattern for my next pair of socks. The toe didn't turn out too good on either sock, but on a whole they were fine and worked great as bed socks. I spun the rest of the cotton, plied the wools I had, and spun another bobbin of the wool I bought, and started knitting the I cord to replace my lanyard (apparently getting them caught in the steering wheel is bad for them. Go figure!) out of the rest of the sock yarn ball. My husband sweater progress is good, I knitted the ribbing up to 2 inches then had to stop 'cause my # 10 needles were at home. I did knit 2 inches of stockinette when I got here though. I also missed several people while I was away.