Photos, socks, snow, and ...
Hey all, it snowed here like nobody's business. Sun- Mon and here it is Tues and heat don't fail me now! I love it when the earth is so warm and the sun is in a good mood. Snow just can't stand the weather. (Stevie Ray Vaughan) First the kids..home for 2 days on snow break and the little one has been running a fever. Complete with sniffles and cough. No biggie tho, cause Tylenol, good food and Water will kick that. Our dog Scooter has been renamed licks! ("I swear that dog is the lickenest S.O.B. I 've ever seen!" J Trickel) Oh and imagine the wet dog smell about right now...WHEW! I got a chance to watch Willie Wonka the J Depp version (is he a hottie or what? Oh yes ever since 21 jump street ladies. Rowl.) Is it just me or was that different? I liked it tho, answered a lot of questions. Oh and my glasses broke twice and I'm now wearing my contacts again. It made me remember what a pretty face I have been hiding behind those glasses. And now a little song to introduce the knitting! Sung to the tune of "Oh Christmas tree"
Oh second sock oh second sock, you are the best thing on the block.
All the mistakes I made on 1, will be corrected when your done!
oh second sock oh second sock you are the best thing on the block.
Oh knitted sock oh knitted sock, the toughest thing there on the block
The heel I turned was off a bit, the gussets then were quite a trip
oh knitted sock oh knitted sock the toughest thing there on the block
I'm almost done I'm almost done I must say I've had quite the fun
The toe on 1 it really sucked, but now on two I'll fix it up
I'm almost done I'm almost done , I must say I've had quite the fun!

Well that's all for now. I have mittens to make after this and maybe a trip to the yarn stash for some inspiration. (He, He, He!)
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