Friday, September 30, 2005

Cold cold COLD!

Hello chickadee's it is 6:45 am in the morning and it is Cold! The mittens I'm making just aren't coming fast enough. I took the dog for a walk this morning and my fingers went numb. All I could think of was mittens, hat, scarf: wool.
This morning was a good time for spinning work. I carded a Icelandic sheep down silk mix 60/40 with pretty good results. Since I've done it before, it will be promptly added to my growing sample yarn. Lately I've been plying some commercial yarn up for lace knitting. It's a machine knitting yarn 25/75 Mohair and acrylic, 3 plied. This stuff is so thin, that 3 ply only gets me to a fingering weight yarn. Unfortunately it's grey, so the dyepot will be getting some action soon.
I'm almost finished with the Berroco suede bag, I have to knit the strap and sew it together. My customer can't wait. Then I get to start the hat of a million colors.
Matter of fact I need to test wash that swatch. While I'm away, here are some photos to look at.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

The great unfinishable

Everyone has it, some have more than one. The great unfinishable project. You know what I'm talking about. That piece or two or four that have yet to be completed, for the last 6 months to a year? Oh yes loveys, we mentioned yesterday that we had several. Well today we finished the oldest one.
My first attempt at a sweater was started last fall in machine washable extra chunky wool. Tan, black, and cream on US size 10 needles. Got all the way to the seaming the shoulders and stopped. Who gets to the shoulder seaming and stops? Well I guess it's all just a matter of knowledge and time. The famous 3 needle bind off was not known at the time. (Not by me at least) and I wanted a good seam. Now a year later I know the 3 needle bind off and the feeling of a completed sweater.
Nice timing eh?
Well only a whole bunch more to go. Wish me luck!

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Welcome to snarl yarns

Hello, This is a blog about knitting, spinning weaving and other stuff.
My name is Tonya Leach-Trickel, and I run a small business on the above activities while working as an accountant for the government. I'm 31 and live in Omaha Nebraska USA. I was born and raised on Long Island in NY however.
The reason this is called snarled yarns is for the incoherent rambling stories and adventures that will be related here about knitting, spinning, weaving, dying, and life with two budding teenage daughters and one 7 year old daughter, one husband, and one dog. (I have taught all three kids how to knit, spin, and weave several times and just when they got the hang of it, they lost interest. KIDS!)

Anyway I hope to post at least once a week with photos. Lets see what we are working on now: One bright blue purple fizz poncho, one tan and orange mitten, one Berroco Suede hand bag, one alpaca wool sweater.... Some Icelandic wool/ silk yarn, some alpaca silk yarn, some Lincoln shetland cross yarn.....I think that's it. Is that enough? The photos will have to come tomorrow, I have to go yarn hunting. My stash hasn't been updated since spring.
