The great unfinishable

Everyone has it, some have more than one. The great unfinishable project. You know what I'm talking about. That piece or two or four that have yet to be completed, for the last 6 months to a year? Oh yes loveys, we mentioned yesterday that we had several. Well today we finished the oldest one.
My first attempt at a sweater was started last fall in machine washable extra chunky wool. Tan, black, and cream on US size 10 needles. Got all the way to the seaming the shoulders and stopped. Who gets to the shoulder seaming and stops? Well I guess it's all just a matter of knowledge and time. The famous 3 needle bind off was not known at the time. (Not by me at least) and I wanted a good seam. Now a year later I know the 3 needle bind off and the feeling of a completed sweater.
Nice timing eh?
Well only a whole bunch more to go. Wish me luck!
Sorry I just came across your note.
will check out your site.
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