Sunday, December 30, 2007

Happy New Year

Those of us who remember Frosty the Snowman the TV special will get this reference.
Have a happy to you all and I hope your End of December religious festival went well.

Knitting and spinning continue though more spinning than knitting. I can thank the Yarn harlot for saving my tube socks. I tried them on and I don't like them. I will be putting in afterthought heels in them.

I continue to attend church(does anyone else weep at the sound of a perfect chord?) and grow in faith. Wish me luck I'm trying to accomplish something.

The farm hunting also is still going. I saw one in MO that was so beautifully I just stared at it. Not at all what I thought I wanted, but still so beautiful.

I also have a cold, and so does everyone else. My husband and I are cooking new dishes. We made spicy Moroccan lamb last night and it was a HIT! J does not like to eat lamb but has found that cooking it different makes it worth the eating. (Phase 2 of the Farm plan complete MWahahah!) The biscottie was good but I won't make it again for a while, it takes too long to eat.

Last but not least...all Hail You Tube! I could spend hours on that site like most knitters spend on Ravelry. Last night I got to hear music from my first instrumental techno band Art Of Noise. I miss their music, and thought no one else had ever heard of them. This thing is better then the radio cause you can hear all your favorite songs (up to a certain point in time) no commercials and no waiting.speaking of which...

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Chistmas

Merry Christmas to one and all and may God shelter us in his mercy. May he lead us on a path of his choosing to the destiny he has laid out for us. May it come to fruitition.

I hope that this finds you all better today than yesterday, and better tomorrow than today.
Blessed be, Amen.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Photo Shoot

Hello, I finally got some photos up so I'll let them do the talking for me.

The sweater that is actually past this point. I put the ribbing on and now am NOT working on the sleeves.
What you get when you cross a witch and a pirate.

My car had a bald spot to cover, so it used the ice to do a comb over.
For those of you light on the budget, we had a X mas shrub and a crafty inclination.

Before the snow made the sky painful to look at, I caught this Nebraska version of Big Sky Country.

So that's all for now. Have a merry and be safe!
