Happy Blog iversary
It has been one year today I have been blogging. In that year I have found that there are many blogs of many types and what I set out for this one to be has evolved into something else. It’s not as fancy or as funny as some blogs, not as educational or as personal as others. But it is at one time or another all of that.
I signed up for a hit counter and know that there are only a few people who read my blog, and I find that I’m actually ok with this. I have one consistent commenter (thanks Minnie) and a few friends and relatives now and then. I accept that I live in a small world. It does give me more time for crafts so I don’t complain.
I read a lot of other blogs. Local and not so local. Foreign and domestic. I’ve laughed and I’ve cried, and
I’ve learned from them all. I hope my readers have had at least one good laugh and learned something.
I can’t say my writing has gotten better, but I have become more conscience of it. I guess this means I’ve gotten something from it too. What a good idea it was.
And now the beat goes on. Drums Please!
This last two weeks have been a little busy; you all know I’m an accountant for the government so we’re “closing our books “for the year this month. So let me catch you up.
Thursday 14th at my LYS we had an incident. I won’t go into detail but the LYS acted in bad form. Most of my friends are holding another meeting somewhere else because of it. I am upset but undecided about moving with them. This past Thursday went with out incident..
I went Friday to buy a real cage for Miss Riley, and wound up coming home with dog food, a cage, and a male Jersey wooly. (Don’t ask, I’m really not sure. Some thing about free, and then came a box, and before I knew it there were two.) J looked at me and said “I told you when you got that first one that there would be more. Now Miss Riley will be 6 months old next month and she is already chomping at the bit to get to that buck. Unfortunately he’s not good breeding material so he won’t be doing anything with her. Well here is a photo of our newest member…Scotch (butter, hop, or fifth -of I haven’t decided yet)

On the spinning wheel my latest skein of yarn is a 3 ply yarn. 2 of Border Leicester and one of grey Angora. I have not yet replaced my ball winder and thoroughly suck at winding skeins. The B/L was spun on my drop spindle so it is fine and a little tight on the spin. The Angora was spun on my Schacht wheel and is actually blended with wool as well, but only maybe 25%. Together the yarn is still firm, but when knitted up the halo will bloom and give it a softer feel.

I’m now working on some raspberry tussah silk from TARA and a better version of my rocky road ice cream yarn. I also have some of the red (?) Ashland bay top going. I may ply it with the silk to see what I get.
Lastly I have an itty bitty drop spindle I use just for Miss Riley’s combings and now that she’s ready to be plucked, I’m gonna be spinning great quantities of that. I have some un-dyed tussah to ply with that when there is enough.
Now on the knitting front- I finished the shawl by not adding the green border, and knit up a pair of blue wool mittens for my 8 yr old. They need thumbs and a promise not to grow out of them before she gets them. My dad’s grey alpaca scarf is next, IF I don’t start the buckskin shawl first. (yes that’s for me too. I am getting greedy!) Business has been booming, I have another knit job, and this one is a little more complex. I’ve had jobs on seaming, weaving in ends, and blocking. This one will be a re-knit…..on mohair.
Wish me luck, I think I’ve got a job for the deep freeze.
i do not envy you frogging mohair. just make sure you have a glass of something (scotch, maybe? since you mentioned a fifth earlier, lol) to ease the pain.
and your new bunny looks like a dutch to me. i had bunnies many moons ago, and one doe i had threw consistent dutches, even though she wasn't one herself. go figger.
i also had a french angora, and i loved that little guy. unfortunately, he took sick, and just dried up & blew away. no bunnies in my future right now. maybe when i win the lottery, and can have a heated bunny barn (my cats would LOVE to play with bunnies, lol)
did you go to touche thursday? i had a last minute change in visitation with sean, so couldn't make it. i'll be there next week, though
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