A Good Day to Blog!
First I must say that the camera is not really broke, nor is the camera person off for the night. I will give you photos.

What you are seeing is the multi scarf, the yarn for the baby blanket, and a gift my boss bought me today for X-mas. Isn't she sweet? Does anyone else see the flaw in the scarf? There is only one yellow. There should be two. Oh well.
Yes we thought so too. Next time I will get the singles yarn photo'ed. Tonight is my knitter meeting. I have been made the third muskteer. Saturday I got my present from my knit friends, an orange carry all with yarn and needles embroidered on it. We all have one! I'm so honored. And now, a little on that other subject that hasn't gone away.....It hasn't gone away.
Moving on Thanksgiving was good, I will not give details but everybody had fun and now we are looking forward to my dad's visit in December.
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